Saving Seals (at risk youth)

PMMC partners with non-profit organizations that serve children with disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly those who are considered ‘at risk’ to provide an enriching, free program introducing wildlife rescue, rehabilitation, marine science and conservation. This STEM experience is meant to empower participants through environmental stewardship and raise their awareness of fulfilling careers while also underlining the importance of staying in school. Observing the animals and hearing their success stories provides hope and inspiration that adversity can be overcome.

  • Classroom volunteers/presenters, Direct teaching, Field trips, Grant funding, Materials & supplies
  • 2nd Grade Students / Youth, 3rd Grade Students / Youth, 4th Grade Students / Youth, 5th Grade Students / Youth, 6th Grade Students / Youth, 7th Grade Students / Youth, 8th Grade Students / Youth, 9th Grade Students / Youth, 10th Grade Students / Youth, 11th Grade Students / Youth, 12th Grade Students / Youth
    During school day
  • After school
  • Climate Change
  • Conservation (Wildlife/Habitat)
  • Marine & Coastal
  • STEM
  • Waste
  • Water
Academic AlignmentAcademic Alignment
    Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
  • Common Core English Language Arts
  • Other
  • : Ocean Literacy Principles
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