Sort Me Recycling

This program breaks down the process of recycling and how it relates to plastic pollution and marine life, primarily sea turtles. Students will learn the do’s and don’ts of recycling and why it is important to transition to reusable items. They will go through a hands-on activity that demonstrates the steps to successful recycling, along with an informational presentation.

  • Classroom volunteers/presenters, Direct teaching, Materials & supplies
  • 2nd Grade Students / Youth, 3rd Grade Students / Youth, 4th Grade Students / Youth, 5th Grade Students / Youth, 6th Grade Students / Youth, 7th Grade Students / Youth, 8th Grade Students / Youth, 9th Grade Students / Youth, 10th Grade Students / Youth, 11th Grade Students / Youth, 12th Grade Students / Youth, Pre-Service Educators/College Students, Teachers/Administrators, Informal Educators, General Public/Family
    During school day
  • Summer
  • Conservation (Wildlife/Habitat)
  • Environmental Justice
  • Marine & Coastal
  • Waste
Academic AlignmentAcademic Alignment
    This program/offering is not correlated to any academic standards.
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