Directory of Service Providers
Search the directory below to find programs and resources focused on environmental literacy, climate justice, green building, outdoor learning, e-STEM, and other related topics.
Blue Ridge Parkway National Corridor
To preserve unimpaired the natural, historic, and cultural resources and values of the NPS for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.
Asheville, NC 28803
Blue Scholars Initiative
Blue Scholars engages, educates and empowers students through hands-on (and virtual) marine science education to foster a connection to the ocean and to launch long-term environmental stewardship.
Miami, FL 33156
Blue Sky Fund
Blue Sky is on a mission to provide transformational experiences for Richmond area youth through outdoor education.
Richmond, VA 23223
Bluegrass Greensource
Empowering the Bluegrass to create a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.
Lexington, KY 40502
Bluff Lake Nature Center
BLNC educates individuals to be engaged, resilient, and curious; conserves a natural area in the city; furthers equity in outdoor access; and nurtures the health and well-being of communities and ecosystems.
Denver, CO 80239
Boca Save our Beaches
Boca Save our Beaches is a 501C3 nonprofit dedicated to protecting the marine environment through community collaboration, conservation and educational awareness.
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Bolsa Chica Conservancy
Established in 1990 by a coalition of government, community, business and environmental leaders, the Bolsa Chica Conservancy, a private, not-for-profit organization, provides services that inspire and connect all generations through community involvement and leadership in hands-on restoration and education in wetland science, watersheds, coastal ecology and environmental sustainability.
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-4263
Bolsa Chica Land Trust
The Bolsa Chica Land Trust (BCLT) was founded in 1992 with the mission to preserve, acquire, and restore all of Bolsa Chica, and to educate the public to its natural wonders and cultural significance. BCLT's principal education program, the Miracles of the Marsh, is currently in its 18th year. This program is a free core science curriculum for 3rd-grade students (2nd, 4th and 5th grade classes have also successfully participated) in the LA and OC County school districts that fulfills the Core/Next Generation Standards requirements. In October 2019 we reached a milestone of having 30,000 students go through this program, which includes an in-class presentation, workbooks, and onsite docent-led tours of Bolsa Chica with educational stations. Additional video content is currently under development.
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Bonebrake Center of Nature and History
The mission of the Bonebrake-McMurtrey Foundation, Ltd. is to nurture understanding and appreciation of nature, culture, and history through experiences at the Bonebrake Center of Nature and History.
Salem, MO 65560-1127
Books for Kids
To inspire kids to follow their curiosity and passion for animals and nature.
Ardmore, AL 38449
Boone County – Conservation District
To promote the protection and wise use of natural resources through education and service to the citizens of Boone County, Kentucky
Burlington, KY 41005
Boone County Cooperative Extension
We serve as a link between the counties and the state’s land grant universities to help people improve their lives through an educational process focusing on their issues and needs.
Burlington, KY 41005