Directory of Service Providers
Search the directory below to find programs and resources focused on environmental literacy, climate justice, green building, outdoor learning, e-STEM, and other related topics.
Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge and Green River National Wildlife Refuge [FWS]
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's mission is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
Benton, KY 42025
Clay County – Soil and Water Conservation District
Clay County Soil & Water's mission is to utilize technical, financial, and educational resources to assist and meet the needs of land users to address and improve water and soil quality.
Hayesville, NC 28904
Clayton County – Water Authority
NWC - Our mission is to educate the public on wetlands conservation & inspire community action for the health of our local watershed.
CCWA - Providing quality water & quality services to our community.
Hampton, GA 30228
Clayton County Conservation
The mission of the Clayton County Conservation Board is to promote the health and general welfare of the people; and to encourage preservation, conservation, education and recreation through responsible use and appreciation of our natural resources and cultural heritage.
Elkader, IA 52043
Clean Air Now KC
CleanAirNow is a community-led organization that creates systemic change in existing policies and practices to protect health and dismantle environmental racism that perpetuates the unequal distribution of environmental hazards in fenceline communities.
Kansas City, KS 66106-2765
Clean Air Partners
Clean Air Partners is a public-private partnership educating the greater metropolitan Baltimore-Washington region about the health risks of poor air quality. For more than 20 years, we have empowered individuals and organizations to take simple actions to reduce pollution and protect public health. We provide K12 educational support through curricular resources and technologies to schools across the Baltimore Washington region to empower teachers and students to take simple actions to reduce air pollution and protect public health.
Washington, DC 20002-4239
Clean Energy New Hampshire
Clean Energy NH is leading New Hampshire’s clean energy transition. Our Vision is a decarbonized energy system for New Hampshire by 2050.
Concord, NH 03301
Clean Memphis
Educating youth, engaging leadership, and empowering communities to sustain a cleaner Memphis.
Memphis, TN 38104
Clean Water Education Partnership
CWEP aims to protect North Carolina’s waterways from stormwater pollution through public education and outreach.
Durham, NC 27703
Cleaner Earth Project
We work to help reduce the use of single use plastics such as plastic bags.
Orlando, FL 32837
Clemson Extension – School and Community Gardening
Clemson Extension offers research-based horticulture information and training for school and community gardeners across South Carolina.
Charleston, SC 29414
Clemson University
Clemson University 4-H Youth Development uses a learn-by-doing approach to help youth gain the knowledge and skills to be responsible, productive, and contributing members of society.
Clemson, SC 29634