Directory of Service Providers
Search the directory below to find programs and resources focused on environmental literacy, climate justice, green building, outdoor learning, e-STEM, and other related topics.
Ellerbe Creek Watershed Association
We envision a living creek connecting human and natural communities in Durham.
Durham, NC 27705
Ellsworth County Conservation District
To continuously promote proper land management and sustainable agriculture for the preservation of our natural resources through all USDA, State and county programs and activities toward a greater productivity for today and a quality environment for tomorrow.
Ellsworth, KS 67439-1623
Elm Fork Education Center
To develop an implement premier environmental education programs to provide investigative encounters that engage students of all ages in field activities and discovery experiences.
Denton, TX 76201
Elms Environmental Education Center
Emerald Cove Outdoor Science (ECOS) Institute
ECOS Institute is an immersive outdoor science program for 5th/6th grade students. Located in Running Springs, the 3, 4 and 5 day programs connect and support NGSS into your curriculum with a focus on whole child development. This experience promotes social and emotional growth in addition to academic content.
Additionally, ECOS Institute has instructors that stay in the cabins with the students so parent chaperones are not required during the program. Classroom teachers have their own accommodations on site and join activities as well as advise staff about their students.
Our curriculum is designed to:
•Spark Curiosity to learn and to explore
•Build Confidence for school and for life
•Deepen Connections with nature and with each other
Running Springs, CA 92382
Emory University – Oxford College Organic Farm
The Oxford College Organic Farm seeks to grow food and serve as hands on learning environment for Oxford College students, the larger Emory community, and our local neighbors.
Oxford, GA 30054
Energy Wise
Energy Wise empowers Louisiana to save money through energy education.
New Orleans, LA 70119
Environment for the Americas
Environment for the Americas connects diverse people to nature and bird conservation through research, education, and training.
Boulder, CO 80303-9671
Environment Georgia
We are dedicated to protecting our air, water, and open spaces.
Atlanta, GA 31107
Environmental Council of Volusia and Flagler Counties
To preserve, protect and restore the natural resources of Volusia and Flagler counties.
Daytona Beach, FL 32115
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Defense Fund's mission is to preserve the natural systems on which all life depends.
Austin, TX 78701
Environmental Education Alliance
The Environmental Education Alliance (EEA) is a coalition of organizations and educators working toward a statewide culture of environmental education, stewardship and justice in Georgia.
Acworth, GA 30101