The South Carolina Garden-Based Learning Network is an educational
research, teaching, consulting, and resource network promoting gardens and nature as the context and content for learning.
Service Area: Statewide
3416 Rawlinson Road
Columbia SC 29209
Series of Powerpoint presentations to adults and workdays outdoors with K-12 students on how the biology and behavior…
Ms. Slither, a designer corn snake, introduces students to her reptilian lifestyle and teachers to her crosscutting c…
The program introduces nutrient-rich meal planning alternatives for families with children and introduces ways to eng…
Nutrition Gardens are theme gardens to create awareness of the individual's power to control health through gardening…
A step by step guide in creating a three-season monarch garden to support the butterflies life cycle, to fuel the fal…
Present teacher workshops on Cornell Lab of Ornithology Education K-12 Programs including Project FeederWatch, NestWa…
Establishing bird gardens and feeding/observation areas
The one hour program presents the history of the eastern monarch butterfly migration through North America from the 1…
"MyPlate", the USDA visual icon for healthy eating, becomes a template for a garden and a bumper crop of well-fed Ame…