The Friends of Daley Ranch support and promote the City of Escondidos efforts to protect and maintain Daley Ranch Conservation Bank habitats and wildlife.
Our goals are to:
Educate the next generation of Environmental Stewards and provide service-learning opportunities that supplement our educational programming.
Develop and implement enhancement projects that support the conservation of Daley Ranch.
Cultivate relationships with sister organizations and encourage responsible recreational opportunities at Daley Ranch.
Our signature educational program brings all seventh graders in the Escondido Union School District to Daley Ranch for a full day field trip. Students rotate among five learning stations: larger mammals, smaller animals, a hike that focuses on habitats and plants, local history, and Native American culture.
Students use their experience on the field trip to complete a project based learning activity in their classroom under the teacher's supervision. The project asks students to identify a way to enhance their local community in a realistic and viable way.
PO Box 461173
Escondido CA 92046