Directory of Programs
Search the directory below to find programs and resources focused on environmental literacy, climate justice, green building, outdoor learning, e-STEM, and other related topics.
Camp Foley Environmental Education Center
Foley Environmental Learning CenterThe center is open in the fall and the spring for overnight or day groups from primary to high school. Ou...
Direct teaching
Field trips
Materials & supplies
Residential/overnight programsmore...
1st Grade Students / Youth
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youthmore...
Camp Pinniped (onsite summer program)
Pacific Marine Mammal CenterCamp Pinniped allows children to witness a marine mammal hospital in action! Campers learn how we rehabil...
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youthmore...
CELF Civic Science: Inquiry to Action
The Children’s Environmental Literacy FoundationCivic Science: Inquiry to Action is an interdisciplinary program primarily for middle and high school sci...
Materials & supplies
Professional development/consulting for administrators
Professional development/consulting for teachers
Supporting networks (online/in-person)
Informal Educators
CELF Green Careers
The Children’s Environmental Literacy FoundationCELF Green Careers connects students with professionals working in sustainability-minded environmentally-...
Students: Grade 6-8
Students: Grade 9-12
CELF Student Symposium
The Children’s Environmental Literacy FoundationThe Student Symposium is the culminating event for the CELF Civic Science: Inquiry-to-Action. The Symposi...
Direct teaching
Students: Grade 6-8
Students: Grade 9-12
Children’s Country Day School
Children’s Country Day SchoolNature-based preschool located on a 7 acre model farm in Mendota Heights, MN. Children's Country Day Scho...
Climate Camp
Earth Charter IndianaClimate Camp is a collection of youth programs centered around climate solutions and youth activism. Eart...
Direct teaching
Field trips
Materials & supplies
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youthmore...
currently an annual program with Coachella Valley Unified school district after school program, this is a...
Curriculum & instructional materials
Direct teaching
Field trips
Materials & supplies
Coastal Conservation Corps (C3)
YES Nature to NeighborhoodsAn in-depth, coastal-focused engagement program for YES's Camp-to-Community (C2C) teens. This program bui...
Direct teaching
Field trips
Residential/overnight programs
12th Grade Students / Youth
Coastal Interpretive Center Summer Programs (All Ages Educational Outreach)
Coastal Interpretive CenterPrograms offered include High Dunes Nature Walk, Museum After Hours, Intertidal Explorations at Damon Poi...
Direct teaching
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Coffee Can Paper Recycling
East Central Indiana Solid Waste DistrictPaper and paper products make up to 40% of what we send to
landfills. This program is a great way t...
Curriculum & instructional materials
Direct teaching
Materials & supplies
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Colorado Project Learning Tree
Colorado State Forest ServiceColorado Project Learning Tree provides trainings and resources for educators in Colorado to engage youth...
Professional development/consulting for teachers
Supporting networks (online/in-person)
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youthmore...