Directory of Programs
Search the directory below to find programs and resources focused on environmental literacy, climate justice, green building, outdoor learning, e-STEM, and other related topics.
Conservation Crew
Conservation MinnesotaConservation Crew is a student-led extracurricular school program for middle schoolers. Each Crew decides...
Grant funding
Materials & supplies
Supporting networks (online/in-person)
6th Grade Students / Youth
7th Grade Students / Youth
8th Grade Students / Youth
Conservation Project Mini-Grant
Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation DistrictRCRCD offers conservation mini-grants of up to $500 per educator for conservation projects in our distric...
Grant funding
Materials & supplies
1st Grade Students / Youth
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Correct Recycling Workshop (high school & adult)
Keep Toledo/Lucas County BeautifulConfused about what is recyclable? Interested in learning ways to improve your recycling habits? Curious ...
10th Grade Students / Youth
11th Grade Students / Youth
12th Grade Students / Youth
Pre-Service Educators/College Studentsmore...
Creekside Forest School
Indian Creek Nature CenterCreekside Forest School is a nature-based preschool program for 3- and 4-year-old children at Indian Cree...
Professional development/consulting for teachers
Discovery Overnight Camp
Keystone Science SchoolUtilizing our 23 acre campus and surrounding areas of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Keystone Science S...
Field trips
Grant funding
Materials & supplies
Residential/overnight programs
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youth
6th Grade Students / Youthmore...
DIY Bioplastics
Raising NebraskaUsing research and activities published in the Journal of Chemical Engineering, learners will make their ...
Field trips
10th Grade Students / Youth
11th Grade Students / Youth
12th Grade Students / Youth
Pre-Service Educators/College Studentsmore...
Earth Day Cleanups
US Fish & Wildlife ServiceIt's not our trash, but it is our planet! Come by and grab some gloves, trash bags and head out on the tr...
Earth Day Stewardship Showcase
Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management DistrictThrough a strong collaboration with the Missouri Recycling Association, a celebration featuring acts of ...
Curriculum & instructional materials
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youth
6th Grade Students / Youth
7th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Eco Experience at the Minnesota State Fair
Minnesota Pollution Control AgencyThe Eco Experience is an award-winning, standout exhibit that presents environmental information and beha...
National Wildlife Federation (WA)Eco-Schools provides you with the framework to make positive, lasting change in your school community. An...
Curriculum & instructional materials
Direct teaching
Field trips
Grant fundingmore...
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Warren County Soil & Water Conservation District​CLASSROOM PROGRAMS
​Free conservation programs are offered that target Ohio State Standards to...
Curriculum & instructional materials
Direct teaching
Field trips
1st Grade Students / Youth
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youthmore...
Educational Presentations
I Love A Clean San DiegoOur hands-on and engaging presentations provide NGSS-aligned curriculum that cover topics including regio...
Curriculum & instructional materials
Direct teaching
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youth
6th Grade Students / Youthmore...