Directory of Programs
Search the directory below to find programs and resources focused on environmental literacy, climate justice, green building, outdoor learning, e-STEM, and other related topics.
Healing Through Hives
Garden-Raised Bounty (GRuB)Healing through Hives aims to support a new generation of Veteran beekeepers and Veteran-owned apiaries a...
Direct teaching
Materials & supplies
Hennepin County Environmental Education Network
Hennepin CountyHennepin County coordinates an environmental education network that is open to anyone working to engage t...
Professional development/consulting for administrators
Professional development/consulting for teachers
Supporting networks (online/in-person)
Informal Educators
Here In Houston
Citizens’ Environmental CoalitionAn online directory of field trips, curriculum, and contacts in the Greater Houston Area.
Curriculum & instructional materials
Direct teaching
Field trips
Students: Grade K-5
Students: Grade 6-8
Students: Grade 9-12
Pre-Service Educators/College Studentsmore...
High School Jobs Pathways
The Nature ConnectionTo help youth prepare for a job in the outdoor economy we offer close to 50 summer jobs and internships t...
10th Grade Students / Youth
11th Grade Students / Youth
12th Grade Students / Youth
General Public/Family
Inside the Outdoors
Orange County Department of EducationInside the Outdoors is a unique and hands-on environmental education program serving over 10,000 particip...
Curriculum & instructional materials
Direct teaching
Field trips
Grant fundingmore...
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Sedgwick County ZooSemester long program program where high school graduates can explore zoo careers. 120 hours required to...
Junior Naturalist Volunteer Program
Westwood Hills Nature CenterJunior naturalists, grade 7 and above, engage in community service, develop teamwork and leadership skill...
8th Grade Students / Youth
9th Grade Students / Youth
10th Grade Students / Youth
11th Grade Students / Youthmore...
KEEP – Wisconsin’s K-12 Energy Education Program
Wisconsin Center for Environmental EducationKEEP offers many resources to help educators and community members stay current on Energy Education in Wi...
Curriculum & instructional materials
Grant funding
Professional development/consulting for administrators
Professional development/consulting for teachers
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youth
6th Grade Students / Youth
7th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Leadership Program
Outdoor OutreachThis program provides job training and early work experiences for young adults ages 16-20. Through an app...
Materials & supplies
12th Grade Students / Youth
Pre-Service Educators/College Students
LEAF – Wisconsin’s K-12 Forestry Education Program
Wisconsin Center for Environmental EducationLEAF offers many resources to help educators and community members stay updated on Forestry Education in ...
Materials & supplies
Professional development/consulting for administrators
Professional development/consulting for teachers
Supporting networks (online/in-person)
Informal Educators
LHC Career Pathways
Lincoln Hills CaresPathways utilizes a youth development approach that focuses on providing employment opportunities to youn...
7th Grade Students / Youth
8th Grade Students / Youth
9th Grade Students / Youth
10th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Minnesota Project Learning Tree
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources – Forestry DivisionMinnesota Project Learning Tree offers low-cost professional development for teachers who want to integra...
Curriculum & instructional materials
Materials & supplies
Professional development/consulting for teachers
Supporting networks (online/in-person)
1st Grade Students / Youth
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youthmore...