The Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District works to sustain natural resources and helps others conserve resources, so that high quality water, land, soil, wildlife, air and plant life will be abundant forever. The district advocates that each acre of land be managed according to its needs. District programs foster the sustainable use of natural resources for each land use, including native habitats, urban/suburban areas, and agriculture.
Service Area: Local (city | town | county)
4500 Glenwood Dr.
Riverside CA 92501
The City of Corona’s Utilities Department in partnership with RCRCD provides a free and engaging classroom presenta…
Curriculum & instructional materials
Direct teaching
Materials & supplies
1st Grade Students / Youth
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youthmore...
The mission of the Sycamore Creek Interpretive Center is to cultivate environmental understanding and stewardship thr…
The LLC serves as an educational tool for empowering southern Californians to practice natural resource stewardship a…
Field trips
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youthmore...
RCRCD offers conservation mini-grants of up to $500 per educator for conservation projects in our district boundary. …
Grant funding
Materials & supplies
1st Grade Students / Youth
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Conservation professionals present on a variety of topics including gardening, pruning, native plants, water conserva…
Professional development/consulting for teachers