Directory of Programs
Search the directory below to find programs and resources focused on environmental literacy, climate justice, green building, outdoor learning, e-STEM, and other related topics.
Coastal Interpretive Center Summer Programs (All Ages Educational Outreach)
Coastal Interpretive CenterPrograms offered include High Dunes Nature Walk, Museum After Hours, Intertidal Explorations at Damon Poi...
Direct teaching
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Community Action And Problem Solving
Earth ForceAt Earth Force our mission is to engage young people as active citizens who improve the environment and t...
Professional development/consulting for administrators
Professional development/consulting for teachers
Supporting networks (online/in-person)
Students: Grade 9-12
Pre-Service Educators/College Students
Informal Educatorsmore...
Community Wildlife Habitats
National Wildlife Federation (WA)Supporting communities of all kinds to become healthier, greener, and more wildlife-friendly. Habitat Ste...
Curriculum & instructional materials
Direct teaching
Field trips
Grant fundingmore...
10th Grade Students / Youth
11th Grade Students / Youth
12th Grade Students / Youth
Pre-Service Educators/College Studentsmore...
Conservation Crew
Conservation MinnesotaConservation Crew is a student-led extracurricular school program for middle schoolers. Each Crew decides...
Grant funding
Materials & supplies
Supporting networks (online/in-person)
6th Grade Students / Youth
7th Grade Students / Youth
8th Grade Students / Youth
Design Studio
EcoRiseDesign Studio introduces students to a design-thinking process they can use to address critical real-worl...
Discovery Wall Virtual Fieldtrips
Dallas Public LibraryCombining environment-based learning with hands-on experiences, the Eco-Schools program sparks action in ...
Diverse Offerings Of Environmental Education Topics, Field Trips, And Outdoor Recreation Instructions.
Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve [HCP4]The Environmental Youth Council is an after-school program on 3 Houston-area high school campuses. We edu...
Durham Ferry Outdoor Education Center
San Joaquin County Office of Education STEMCome explore our local environment at the Durham Ferry Outdoor Education Center located on the San Joaqui...
Direct teaching
Field trips
Professional development/consulting for teachersmore...
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youth
6th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Teaching Responsible Earth Education (T.R.E.E.)Earthkeepers is a curriculum-based environmental science program in which students learn four scientific ...
Lawrence Hall of Science-UC-BerkeleyBased at the Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley, the East Bay Academy for Young Scientists (EBAYS) s...
8th Grade Students / Youth
9th Grade Students / Youth
10th Grade Students / Youth
11th Grade Students / Youthmore...
ECO EdVentures Summer Programs: 3 Sessions
ECO EdVenturesDoes your child love getting hands-on and exploring the outdoors? Well, ECO EdVentures is the perfect pro...
Field trips
Residential/overnight programs
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Eco Experience at the Minnesota State Fair
Minnesota Pollution Control AgencyThe Eco Experience is an award-winning, standout exhibit that presents environmental information and beha...