Directory of Programs
Search the directory below to find programs and resources focused on environmental literacy, climate justice, green building, outdoor learning, e-STEM, and other related topics.
California Naturalist certification
UC ANR Environmental Stewards Statewide ProgramThe California Naturalist course is an adult environmental education certification course which introduce...
Supporting networks (online/in-person)
Informal Educators
General Public/Family
California Naturalist Certification (CalNat)
Bolsa Chica ConservancyThe UC California Naturalist Certification program, commonly referred to as CalNat, was created to introd...
Field trips
Informal Educators
General Public/Family
Butterfly PavilionButterfly Pavilion camps are designed to provide memorable experiences that connect kids to nature and en...
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Camp Foley Environmental Education Center
Foley Environmental Learning CenterThe center is open in the fall and the spring for overnight or day groups from primary to high school. Ou...
Direct teaching
Field trips
Materials & supplies
Residential/overnight programsmore...
1st Grade Students / Youth
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youthmore...
Camp Katharine Parsons
Phyllis Wheatley Community CenterCamp Katharine Parsons is a historic Black-owned camp for urban youth owned by a legacy African American ...
5th Grade Students / Youth
6th Grade Students / Youth
7th Grade Students / Youth
8th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Camp Pinniped (onsite summer program)
Pacific Marine Mammal CenterCamp Pinniped allows children to witness a marine mammal hospital in action! Campers learn how we rehabil...
2nd Grade Students / Youth
3rd Grade Students / Youth
4th Grade Students / Youth
5th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Camp Sea Lab
Web of Life Field (WOLF) SchoolCamp SEA Lab fosters lifelong excitement, scientific understanding, and stewardship of our coasts and oce...
Field trips
5th Grade Students / Youth
6th Grade Students / Youth
7th Grade Students / Youth
8th Grade Students / Youthmore...
Campfire Programs
Golden Gate Canyon State ParkCampfire Programs take place at an amphitheater on park. Programs are typically held on weekend evenings ...
Canoes in Sloughs
Marine Science InstituteDiscover local wetlands, its wildlife, and how humans impact it through this 5-hour Canoes in Sloughs pro...
Direct teaching
Field trips
Materials & supplies
Professional development/consulting for administratorsmore...
7th Grade Students / Youth
8th Grade Students / Youth
9th Grade Students / Youth
10th Grade Students / Youthmore...
CELF Custom Curricular Design
The Children’s Environmental Literacy FoundationCELF custom curricular design includes K-12 sustainability curricula designed for renewable energy, consu...
Students: Grade 6-8
Students: Grade 9-12
Informal Educators
CELF Field Experiences (CELF in the Field & Green Experiences)
The Children’s Environmental Literacy FoundationThese outdoor experiential learning series provide educators with opportunities to engage in place-based ...
Direct teaching
Field trips
Professional development/consulting for administrators
Professional development/consulting for teachers
Students: Grade 6-8
Students: Grade 9-12
Pre-Service Educators/College Students
CELF Membership
The Children’s Environmental Literacy FoundationCELF Membership provides digital resources, long-term curriculum and instruction support, team-based and ...
Professional development/consulting for administrators
Professional development/consulting for teachers
Supporting networks (online/in-person)